Embrace the seasons


seasons_bannerHow amazing is it that the world around us transforms every 3 months.

There’s the scorching heat of summer,

The magnificent colours of fall,

The bitter coldness of winter,

and the welcoming rebirth of spring.

I’m not going to lie, I live for long glorious hot summer days spent in with friends at the beach. But why is it there are only certain things we do when the weather tells us to.

Summer is the season that always seems to go too fast, it’s the one filled with the most adventures, exploration and good vibes. Everything is just perfect when you’re in that moment of laughing with friends over ice-cold cocktails after you’ve spent the day learning how to surf whilst topping up that everlasting tan!
When that sun sets on the horizon and that orange glows, breathe it ALL in and I promise you summer will always be inside you.

The dreaded passing of our summer adventures into fall doesn’t have to occur if you continue to create new ones!
The beach is still there, the ocean might be colder as the days start to get shorter but the healing powers of the salty shore and the charming shells can still be collected.
Explore on road trips with friends out to the forest, hills, countryside and look around at how this transformation provides an awe-inspiring backdrop to your next Instagram photo, if you don’t believe me just look at Boston, Massachusetts during the fall!

The feeling of isolation during a cold, bitter winter doesn’t have to be as dark as the sky looks!
Light those fireplaces, not for warmth but for the added coziness of inviting your closest friends round and slowing right down! That cup of hot chocolate can be made on the stove whilst listening to the rain pour down on the window. Be thankful that you’re inside in your warmest pj’s and let your mind and body re-set. Read those books by the candle light and sip that perfected mulled wine.

By the time spring comes round, you’ll be feeling re-energized and refreshed!
Open those windows and let that slightly warmer, fresh air through. Watch the gardens defrost and start to bloom with new life! You’ll be inspired to do the same, shake of the winter stillness with a spring clean in your home and starting turn those soups into salads. Summer is almost here . . .

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